
Do you require a contract? No. We are confident in our ability to collect your accounts and that will insure us your repeat business in the future.

Are there any upfront charges with Lida Business Solutions? No. Our fees are all contingent upon successful collection of your accounts.

What information does Lida Business Solutions need to collect my account? We require the name, address, and telephone number, date of the most recent invoice, amount due and a copy of your most recent statement to start collections. Additional supporting documents and information can be provided later.

What is your fee if you get my product back? Lida Business Solutions charges half of the rate your company is charged for the value of returned product. (Only if client agrees to accept the return).

How often should I place my accounts into collections? Accounts should be placed after any red flag (see tool kit) or between 90-120 days past due.

Do you collect consumer debt? No. We specialize in commercial collections only.

Do you collect international accounts? Yes. We have a network of field investigators and attorneys world wide.